At the core of Adapt is a set of application development tools and a framework for executing applications developed using the toolset. The ATS/CRM functionality is an Adapt application written using the Adapt toolset. The process of development using the Adapt environment is referred to as configuration, and all elements of the application can be configured using the toolset. The core framework is often referred to as the 'Engine' and does provide some functionality that does not require configuration to utilise.

An Adapt Application

An Adapt application is made of 4 main elements:

  1. Database Schema
  3. Business Logic
  4. Queries

A base or standard application is maintaned and delivered without change to our SaaS (OnDemand) clients, and is the starting point for any client specific system.


Database Schema

The Adapt database schema is fully configurable and no part of it is fixed. New record types and fields can be added or existing ones amended. This can be challenging for integrators because there is no standard DB layout or any data fields that are guaranteed to exist. Either your integration is a one off for a specific client, or it should be flexible enough to be adapted to differing schemas.

An Adapt DB Schema consists of 3 elements:

  1. Role - can be thought of as a record type (e.g. Contact)
  2. Property - a logical grouping of fields (e.g. Address)
  3. Attribute - an individual data field (e.g. Town)

An example DB Schema is available here that lists all the roles, properties and attributes for our base application.



When a record is retrieved or edited, or workflow needs to interact with the user a View is used. Views are a collection of pages displaying labels, field information, lists etc. A page is referred to as a segment and the Adapt configuration tools contain a segment editor for designing these pages.

A workflow 'dialog' would typically consist of a view with a single segment (page), record views on the other hand would typically consist of multiple segments (pages). Business Logic can reference controls on a segment by name to either retrieve or set values and where appropriate AdaptConnect allows integrated applications to emulate the segment/control structure to reuse existing business logic elements.


Business Logic

In Adapt Business Logic is developed as scripts/macros that can be attached to events associated with segments and controls. The scripting language is proprietary to Adapt and each script is called a Business Object. Business Objects are used to provide all aspects of application logic from data validation and verification, through to task and workflow automation.

The scripting language has a wide range of capabilities including:

  • Updating records
  • Creating/Updating Journal Entries, Tasks and Appointments
  • Creating and sending email
  • Creation of documents from templates
  • Calling HTTP services
  • Responding to web service requests



Searching of the Adapt database is performed using a "query by example" approach. A search performed by a user consists of a view (usually constructed of multiple segments) into which the search criteria are entered; and a query created using the Query Editor configuration tool.

The query contains the logic (AND, OR, NOT etc.) used to perform the matching along with the mapping of the controls on the view to conditions within the logic.

Using the Web Services API an integrated application can pass criteria to and execute a predefined query. This could be an existing query or one created specifically for the integration. For example, a web site integrating with Adapt could use this mechanism to provide job search capability to candidates.


Additional Engine Segments

The Adapt Engine provides 4 additional segments that can be used with any record in Adapt:

  • Calendar
  • Tasks
  • Journal
  • Document Library

The Web Services API also provides access to these areas of Adapt.



The calendar is used to store appointments associated with a specific record or user, for example a candidate's interviews or bookings. Using the Web Services API an integrated application can retrieve and update calendar information.



Each record has the potential to store tasks that relate to that record (e.g. to call a candidate to discuss a vacancy), and each user has their own task list. The Web Services API can be used to create and update tasks directly.



The Journal is an audit trail of business activity (phone call made, CV sent etc.) carried out by a user or against records. Each user and each record has a Journal. The Web Services API can be used to retrive journal information, but new entries can only be created by a Business Object. If an application wants to add journal entries it must do so by using the API to execute a business object.


Document Library

Files can be stored against any record in Adapt. They are stored in the Document Library which has a definable folder structure, allowing documents to be categorised based on where in the folder structure they are stored. Typical uses are to store CVs, pictures or scanned certificates against candidates, or company information against clients.

The Web Services API provides features for uploading and retrieving files stored in the document library.


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