Some tasks are complex or difficult to carry out directly using the Web Services so a number of Business Objects have been provided to help with common requests. The BOs should be executed using the executeBO()
method and passed parameters in XML.
Five business objects are provided to automate the following tasks:
Log the details of a phone call in the appropriate journals and update activity analysis information accordingly. Where date and time of a follow up call is provided, create the corresponding task for the user.
<API_request> <context> <entity> <id>{Entity that call is made to or received from}</id> </entity> <user> <id>{user making/receiving the call}</id> </user> <notes>< ![CDATA[ {notes of call} ]]></notes> </context> <request> <regarding> <id>{record ID of person/candidate the call is about]}</id> </regarding> <at> <id>{record ID of client company record}</id> </at> <assignment> <id>{record ID of placement, if call is about a placement}</id> </assignment> <job> <id>{record ID of job record, if call is about a job}</id> </job> <calltype>{M (call made), R (call received), C (canvas call)}</calltype> <nextcall> <date>{date of follow up call}</date> <time>{time of follow up call}</time> <nextcall> </request> </API_request>
<API_response> <result> <responder></responder> <status>{SUCCESS|FAILED}</status> <code>{status code - 0:success, anything else an error}</code> <subcode></subcode> <message>{failure message if status code <> 0}</message> </result> </API_response>
Create a note entry on the journal, to add general notes to a record's journal.
<API_request> <context> <entity> <id>{entity to log the note against}</id> </entity> <user> <id>{user to log the journal note against}</id> </user> <notes>< ![CDATA[ {text of note to be recorded} ]]></notes> </context> </API_request>
<API_response> <result> <responder></responder> <status>{SUCCESS|FAILED}</status> <code>{status code - 0:success, anything else an error}</code> <subcode></subcode> <message>{failure message if status code <> 0}</message> </result> </API_response>
Record the details of a sent SMS on the journal of the specified entity and user. Where the <adaptsend> parameter is 'Y', also create and send the SMS.
<API_request> <context> <entity> <id>{Entity to create journal against - mandatory}</id> </entity> <user> <id>[User to create journal against - mandatory]</id> </user> </context> <request> <number>{mobile no. to send to}</number> <message>{Text Message}</message> <adaptsend>{Y|N}</adaptsend> </request> </API_request>
<API_response> <result> <responder></responder> <status>{SUCCESS|FAILED}</status> <code>{status code - 0:success, anything else an error}</code> <subcode></subcode> <message>{failure message if status code <> 0}</message> </result> </API_response>
Record that an email has been sent on the journal of the user and the entity specified. Update the activity analysis data to reflect the same. Where <adaptsend> element is set to Y generate and send the email as well, otherwise just record the activity on the journal.
<API_request> <context> <entity> <id>{entity to record journal against}</id> </entity> <user> <id>{user to record journal against}</id> </user> <notes>< ![CDATA[ {notes concerning email} ]]></notes> </context> <request> <emailaddress>{TO address for sent email}</emailaddress> <subject>{subject of email to be sent}</subject> <body> <text>{plain text body of email}</text> <document>{ID of HTML document stored in Adapt to use as body text}</document> </body> <attachments> <attachment>{ID of document stored in Adapt to attach to email}</document> ... <attachment>{ID of document stored in Adapt to attach to email}</document> </attachments> <adaptsend>{Y|N}</adaptsend> </request> </API_request>
<API_response> <result> <responder></responder> <status>{SUCCESS|FAILED}</status> <code>{status code - 0:success, anything else an error}</code> <subcode></subcode> <message>{failure message if status code <> 0}</message> </result> </API_response>
Send a reminder email to one or more Adapt users to review a specified record in Adapt (typically a candidate, but could be any record). The body of the email contains a link to automatically open the entity.
Journal entries are also created as a permanent record for the user to refer to.
<API_request> <context> <entity> <id>{entity to issue reminder about}</id> <role>{role to use (incase entity plays multiple roles)}</role> </entity> <user> <id>{user issuing the reminder}</id> </user> <notes>< ![CDATA[ {notes about the reminder} ]]></notes> </context> <request> <touser> <id>{ID of user to send remnder to}</id> ... <id>{ID of user to send remnder to}</id> </touser> </request> </API_request>
<API_response> <result> <responder></responder> <status>{SUCCESS|FAILED}</status> <code>{status code - 0:success, anything else an error}</code> <subcode></subcode> <message>{failure message if status code <> 0}</message> </result> </API_response>